Poetry\Other Writers

An Ojibway Prayer
Beryl Markham
Book Reviews
Diane Ackerman
ee cummings
Ellen Bliss
Gabriela Mistral
Inuit Song
Isabel Fraire
Jaime Sabines
James Agee - From Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
Kenneth Patchen
Langston Hughes
Magic Words
Mary Oliver
Nida Fazli
Pablo Casals
Poetic Protests Against War and Censorship
Poetry and the Art of Survival
Religious Poetry
William Wordsworth
Works by Various Writers

An Ojibway Prayer

Beryl Markham 
West With the Night by Beryl Markham.htm

Book Reviews 

 File Name
 Previous Book Picks.htm

Diane Ackerman 

 File Name
 School Prayer.rtf

ee cummings 

 File Name
 e_ e_ cummings - somewhere i have never travelled.htm
 Poetry by ee cummings.htm
 Selected Poems by e e cummings.htm

Ellen Bliss 

 File Name
 Elemental Motions.rtf

Gabriela Mistral 

 File Name
 Gabriela Mistral - Decálogo del Artista.htm

Inuit Song 

 File Name
 Inuit Song.rtf

Isabel Fraire 

 File Name
 Isabel Fraire - Mi amor descubre objetos - My Love Reveals .htm

Jaime Sabines 

 File Name
 Jaime Sabines - The Moon.htm

James Agee - From Let Us Now Praise Famous Men 

 File Name
 From Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.rtf

Kenneth Patchen 

 File Name
 The Character of Love Seen As A Seach For The Lost.rtf

Langston Hughes 

 File Name
 Let America Be America Again.rtf

  Magic Words 

Mary Oliver 

 File Name
 The Poetry of Mary Oliver Wild Geese.htm

Nida Fazli 

 File Name
 Nida Fazli - Urdu Writer The South Asian Literary Recording.htm
 Poems from the Indian SubContinent.htm
 selection nida.htm
 The Hindu A lifelong affair In love with love.htm
 The Little Magazine - Nida Fazli - After the curfew.htm
 The Tarkieb of good poetry.htm

Pablo Casals 

 File Name
 From Pablo Casals.rtf

Poetic Protests Against War and Censorship 

 File Name
 Poetic Protests Against War, Censorship.htm

Poetry and the Art of Survival 

 File Name
 Elemental Motions.rtf
 Poetry and the Art of Survival.rtf

Religious Poetry 

 File Name


 File Name
 Rilke I.htm
 Swans Commentary Letters to a young poet, by Rainer Maria R.htm
 The Rainer Maria Rilke Archive.htm

William Wordsworth 

 File Name
 536_ Ode_ Intimations of Immortality_ William Wordsworth_ T.htm
 From Intimations of Immortality.rtf

Works by Various Writers 

 File Name
 Please title this page_ (Page 1).htm