A Buddhist Library

Tibetan Buddhism | TheravadaZenPure Land  |  Poetry
            Thich Nhat HanhMiscellaneousWorld Religions | Chinese Mahayana 

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Tell Others

If you have found this website helpful, and would like to share it with others,
here are two ways you can do this:

First, here is a link to a hyperlinked post , 'Introducing A Buddhist Library'

You can you can copy this link and include it in an e-mail to anyone
(person or group) you think might benefit from knowing about this site.

Second, here is a link to a one-page flier, in Word Document format, that is
suitable for printing out.

Here are some places you might consider putting up this notice, if you would
like to help out:

Sitting groups, Dharma Centers, Schools (especially schools); Buddhist or
Interfaith Events;

Yoga Centers, Health Food Stores, Cafes, Progressive Political Organizations,
anyplace visible to foot traffic (the inside of store windows, facing the street)
laudromats, bookstores...

And I thank you warmly.  May all beings benefit.

The text of the flier is as follows:

          Introducing – A Buddhist Library





     This new website is one of the largest online resources

     for Buddhist studies, with over 400 books and 6,000

     articles on it.


     Each of the main Traditions are represented:


·       The Tibetan Tradition – with the teachings of the

Dalai Lama, Lama Yeshe, Shantideva, Atisha, Milarepa –

138 Teachers in all;


·       The Theravada Tradition – The Teachings of the Historical

Buddha (Suttas), and Ajaan Lee, Ajaan Chah, Ajaan

Buddhadasa; 88 teachers;


·       The Zen Tradition – Zen Ancestors: Bodhidharma,

Hui-Neng, Dogen, and others; and Modern Teachers,

including: Deshimaru Roshi, and Uchiyama Roshi;


·       There is a collection of the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh,


·       A page with introductions to Buddhism from a

     variety of perspectives, and introductions to different     

     methods of meditation,


·       An extensive World Religions section, and poetry…



May all beings benefit.

Click here for this one page flier in Word format.

Tibetan Buddhism | TheravadaZenPure Land  |  Poetry
            Thich Nhat HanhMiscellaneousWorld Religions | Chinese Mahayana 

            Search  |  Contact  Jason's Page  |  Support  A Buddhist Library