St John of the
Cross (1542-1591) was small in body, St Teresa calling him but 'half of a monk',
though large in soul. Irrepressible, he made use of his monastery's recreation
to discourse enthusiastically upon Pseudo-Dionysius ' negative
theology. Imprisoned in 1577 by his fellow monks, who were resisting the reform
of the Carmelites, he broke loose, coming to the nuns and reciting to them his
epithalamium poem, in the style of the Song of Solomon, which became embedded in
his Spiritual Canticles, Ascent of Mount Carmel , Dark Night of
the Soul, and Living Flame of Love. St Teresa 's soul mate
and companion, who wrote The Interior
Castle, the Foundationsand the
Treatise on the Lord's
Prayer, he wrote once,
He also wrote out advice for religious men and women, whose task is to seek perfection, on how to achieve it really writing these words for himself. The observations are not original with him. They can be found, too, in St Ephrem, and also in the Golden Epistle which immediately precedes Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love in the Amherst Manuscript.{ With God's Word
the pregnant Virgin
comes your way
if you give her lodging.
{ Del Verbo divino
La Virgen preñada
Viene de camino
Si le dais posada.
If he will do this, with ordinary attention, without other efforts or other practices, at the same time carefully observing the obligations of his state, he will advance rapidly to great perfection, acquire all virtue and attain unto holy peace.
All the evils to which the soul is subject proceed from the three enemies already mentioned: the world, the devil and the flesh. If we can hide ourselves from these we shall have no combats to fight. The world is less difficult, and the devil more difficult, to understand; but the flesh is the most obstinate of all, and the last to be overcome together with the 'old man'. If we do not conquer the three, we shall never perfectly conquer one; and if we conquer one, we shall also conquer the others in the same proportion.
In order to escape perfectly from the evils
which the world inflicts, there are three things to be observed.
Do not love one person more than another, for if you do you will fall into error. He whom God loves most is the most worthy of love, and you do not know who he is. But if you strive to forget all people alike-as holy recollection requires you to do-you will escape all error, whether great or small. Do not think about them; have nothing to say to them either good or bad. Avoid them as much as you possibly can. If you do not observe this, as things go, you will never become a good religious, you will never attain to holy recollection, nor will you get rid of your imperfections. If you will indulge yourself here, Satan will in some way or other delude you, or you will delude yourself under the pretence of good or evil.
If you will observe this direction you will
be safe; and in no other way can you get rid of imperfections and escape the
evils which result to your soul from intercourse with others.
Take warning from the example of Lot's wife who, because she was disturbed at the destruction of Sodom, turned back to look at it. God punished her for this, and she was 'turned into a pillar of salt' (Genesis 19.26). This teaches you that it is the will of God, even if you were living among devils, you should so live as not to turn back in thought to consider what they are doing, but forget them utterly. You are to keep your soul wholly to God, and not to suffer the thought of this or that to disturb you.
Be sure of this, there is no lack of stumbling blocks in religious houses, because there is no lack of devils who are labouring to throw down the saints. God permits this in order to try them and to prove them, and if you are not on your guard, you will never become a religious, do what you may, neither will you attain to holy detachment and recollection, or avoid loss. If you live otherwise, in spite of your zeal and good intentions, Satan will lay hold of you in one way or another, and indeed you are already sufficiently in his power, when your soul is allowed such distractions as these. Remember those words of the apostle St James, 'If any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue, this man's religion is vain'. This is applicable to the interior, quite as much as to the exterior, tongue-to thoughts as well as words.
Three precautions necessary to be observed in order to be delivered from the devil in religion.
If you wish to escape from Satan in
religion, you must give heed to three things, without which you cannot be in
safety from his cunning. In the first place I would have you take this general
advice, which you should never forget, namely, that it is the ordinary practice
of Satan to deceive those who are going on to perfection by an appearance of
good: he does not tempt them by what seems to be evil. He knows that they will
scarcely regard that which they know to be wrong. You must therefore continually
distrust what seems to be good, and especially when obedience does not
intervene. The remedy here is the direction of one whom you ought to consult.
Let this then be the FIRST PRECAUTION.
Olvido de lo criado,
Memoria del Criador,
Atención a lo interior,
Y estarse amando al
Forget creation,
Remember the Creator,
Seek within,
There forever be loved by the
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Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love , definitive edition and translation, Firenze: SISMEL, 2001, available from SISMEL or from Julia Bolton Holloway ;
Julian Library CD, 1996/2003, available for general readers, contemplatives, scholars, and libraries for off-line reading, computer browsing (includes Umilta Website);
Julian Library Portfolio, booklets of essays in a hand-bound portfolio, either in Florentine printed paper, or our marbled paper, as shown below;
The City and the Book I, II, III, Florence, International Congresses, Proceedings, CD;
English Cemetery, Florence, CD;
© Julia Bolton Holloway , Biblioteca e
Bottega Fioretta Mazzei, 2003.
Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta
Mazzei Marbled Papers
Donations for above CDs and Portfolios benefit the Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei (of which you become a member through the gift to the library of a book), and the historic "English Cemetery ", Piazzale Donatello 38, I-50132 Florence, Italy
Updated Epiphany 2003
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