As we focus on
each mystery we should also focus on the little words at the end of each
one. To pray a Spiritual Rosary we can include a piece of Scripture and
each Mystery of the Spiritual Rosary can be found from the links
Joyful Mysteries - with the introduction of the new Mysteries
of Light the Joyful Mysteries are now said on Mondays and Saturdays and
for those who say a single mystery a day, focus on the joyful occassion of
the birth of Christ and His childhood:
1. The
Annunciation - The angel of God appears to Mary and
tells her she is to be the Mother of God - humility.
2. The
Visitation - Mary, on hearing of Elizabeth's own preganancy goes to visit with
Her cousin - charity.
3. The
Birth of Our Lord - Away from home and with no where to
stay Mary and Joseph welcome Jesus into the world - poverty.
4. The
Presentation - Mary and Joseph present Jesus to His
Heavenly Father in the temple 40 days after His Birth -
5. The
Finding in the temple - After searching for three days Mary and
Joseph find the 12 year old boy sitting among the learned doctors of the
temple - piety.
Mysteries of Light - Now said on a Thursday
and with a focus on the life of Christ during His ministry on
The Baptism of Our Lord - As Christ descends into the waters the heavens open wide and the
voice of the Father declares him the beloved Son, while the Spirit
descends on him to invest him with the mission which he is to carry
The Wedding Feast at Cana - The first of the signs, given at Cana, is when Christ changes
water into wine and opens the hearts of the disciples to faith, thanks to
the intervention of Mary, the first among believers.
Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom of
God - Jesus proclaims the coming of the
Kingdom of God, calls to conversion and forgives the sins of all who draw
near to him in humble trust, the inauguration of the ministry of mercy
which He continues to exercise until the end of the world, particularly
through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The Transfiguration - During the Transfiguration the glory of
the Godhead shines forth from the face of Christ as the Father commands
the astonished Apostles to “listen to him” and to prepare to experience
with Him the agony of the Passion, so as to come with Him to the joy of
the Resurrection and a life transfigured by the Holy Spirit.
The Last Supper - At the Last Supper we see the the institution of the Eucharist, in
which Christ offers his body and blood as food under the signs of bread
and wine, and testifies “to the end” his love for humanity, for whose
salvation he will offer himself in sacrifice.
Sorrowful Mysteries - generally said on Tuesdays and Fridays
for those who say a single mystery a day, focus on the suffering and death
of Jesus.
1. The
Agony in the Garden - The thought of our sins and His
impending, horrible death make Jesus sweat tears of blood -
2. The
Scourging at the Pillar - Jesus is stripped of His clothing and
dignity and is lashed repeatedly leaving His body a mass of bloody wounds
- purity.
3. The
Crowning of Thorns - Jesus is ridiculed for claiming
Kingship when they place a crown of thorns on His head -
4. The
Carrying of the Cross - Jesus shoulders His own cross, carrying
it and dragging it to Golgotha, our sins were the weight of that cross -
5. The
Crucifixion of Our Divine Lord - After three hours of agony, watched by
His Beloved Mother, Jesus dies - self-denial.
Glorious Mysteries - now said on Wednesdays and Sundays for
those who say a single mystery a day, focus on the whole purpose of the
life and death of Jesus, His glorious resurection and our redemption from
sin and the place of honour accorded to His Blessed Mother,
1. The
Resurection - Jesus rises from the dead three days
after His cricifixion as He had said He would - faith.
2. The
Ascension - 40 days after His Resurection Jesus ascends into Heaven to sit at
the right hand of His Father, there to judge the living and the dead at
the end of the world - hope.
3. The
Descent of The Holy Spirit - Jesus sends the Holy Spirit on His
apostles and disciples in the form of fiery tongues - love.
4. The
Assumption - Our Lady's soul returns to God and her glorified body is assumed
into heaven - eternal happiness.
5. The
Coronation - Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, of Angels and Saints,
to rule over our lives forever and into eternity - devotion to
A Spiritual Rosary includes a
Bible passage relevant to each decade of the four Mysteries and can be
found below:
Mysteries; Mysteries of
Light; Sorrowful
Mysteries; Glorious
Mysteries |