Title: Ode to a Watermelon
Poetry - EARLs Communication 2, Writing 1,2; Reading 1,2,3; Arts 1,2,3,4
Introduce students to Neruda's poem "Ode a La Sandia." (See translation) Have them identify the metaphors used by Neruda. As a group, pick one fruit and brainstorm possible metaphors. In pairs or individually, have students pick a favorite fruit and develops 3 metaphors for their own odes. Students will then construct a multi-layer collage of their particular fruit to be mounted in the center of a large paper. Odes will be written on the outside of the collage in black permanent ink.
Oda a la Sandia
por Pablo Neruda
La redonda, suprema y celestial sandia
es la fruta del arbol de la sed.
Es la ballena verde del verano.
Ode to a Watermelon
by Pablo Neruda
Round, supreme, celestial watermelon
The fruit of the tree of thirst
Green whale of summer.