Namo Dharmaya
Hail to the Teachings
and Dedication
Do I Want to Be?
up the Account
If I
Had Only One More Year to Live...
In order to make the most out of the following analytical meditations, it is
important to realise that one should not only observe the analytical mind, but
also the emotions and feelings that come up.
Iit is strongly advised to
start with a good motivation beforehand, to take a few minutes to calm down
(doing e.g. a brief breathing
meditation is very good) and to dedicate the positive energy afterwards.
For this, the following traditional prayers can be used:
Taking Refuge
I go for refuge to the Buddha, I go for refuge to the Dharma, I go for refuge to the Sangha. (3x)
Setting the Mind to Enlightenment
By virtue of giving and so forth,
may I become a Buddha for the
benefit of all sentient beings. (3x)
4 Immeasurables
May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression
and prejudice.
May they be happy, and have the causes for
May they be free from suffering and causes for
May they never be separated from the happiness that is
free from suffering. (3x)
7-Limbed Prayer
Respectfully I prostrate with body, speech and mind; I present
clouds of every type of offerings, actual and imagined; I declare all the
negative actions I have done since beginningless time,
and rejoice in
the merit of all Aryas and ordinary beings.
Please teacher, remain
until cyclic existence ends
and turn the wheel of Dharma for all
sentient beings. I dedicate the virtues of myself and others to the great
By this virtue may I soon
reach a Guru-Buddha-state,
and lead each and every being
to that state of Buddhahood.May the precious Bodhicitta
not yet born, arise and grow
may that born have no decline
but increase forever more.
Mentally project yourself 5 years into the future how would I like to be, having accomplished what I want to accomplish, learned what I want to learn, did what I want to do.
- Which qualities have I developed in myself?
- Which are the most
important lessons I have learned?
- What have I done for others that I feel
most happy about?
- How did I manage to stop underestimating myself?
How did I manage to stop underestimating other people?
- How did I manage to
stop pretending that I cannot do things?
- Which kind of powers and
abilities did I discover in myself?
- Which kind of powers and abilities did
I find in others?
- What can I do right now in order to be this person in
five years?
- If it feels right, make a commitment to yourself to make this
vision reality.
Imagine to be dying at the moment, without pain and with a clear mind.
- If I die now, how is the balance of my positive & negative karma of
this life?
- How many good things did I do without self-interest,
altruistic, out of unconditional love, without expecting anything, at least
gratitude back?
- If this is the addition of the good things, do I even need
to consider the bad things?
- Conclusion & dedication - to do something
better with the rest of my life.
- Imagine lying on your deathbed, unable to move or to talk to the people
- Observe all feelings and emotions coming up.
- The doctors have
given me up, I do not have any pain, but the end may come any moment
- What
did I do so far with my life?
- What help are my best friends now?
What is the use of my savings and possessions?
- I am still much too young,
still so much to do... If I only had...
- Suppose I had one more year to
live, what would I do with it?
- What could I do that is reasonably
- Are there any apologies to make, or do I need to tell someone
the truth still?
- What would really be useful to do before I die?
Bring yourself back to the here and now, not on my deathbed.
- But does that
change anything about the fact I only have limited time to live?
- I can
still die every day in traffic, eat something wrong, get ill.
- Are there
any things I can do right now of the things I want to do before I die?
- Are
there any things I should do within a few weeks?
- Life is much too
uncertain to put things off...
- If I want to die peaceful, without regret,
I have the chance right now to make my life useful.
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New on April 10 , 2001