The Fork in the Road Spread


This is a spread to use when you find yourself faced with a choice between two options. You have come to a fork in the road and must choose either the right hand or the left hand pathway.  You can not go any further without making a decision. Lay the cards out in the shape of a "V" with card number one at the point closest to you. this card may be chosen by the querant as a significator or it can be the card at the top of the deck when shuffling is complete. Cards 2 and 3 are on the right. Cards 4 and 5 on the left. Before viewing the cards it is important to decide which choice is represented by which pathway.

The meaning of the positions are as follows:

1 - present position, major personal influences impacting this choice.
2 - choice "A" what do I need to know of this choice
3 - what might the future hold if I choose path "A".
4 - choice "B"  what do I need to know of this choice?
5 - what might the future hold if I choose path "B"?