(B) Two of Pentacles --
The central conflict is that school should be fun and enjoyable, not a place for harsh, public Judgement. I can help my son learn to cope better and be more resilient at school. I must make sure my own judgments are fair.
(B) Seven of Cups --
King of Swords
The source of the problem is that I'm letting my imagination run wild. I can't separate fact from fiction. I must find out the facts. Be fair and honest. Refuse to let emotion cloud my reason. On the other hand, have I forgotten to be loving in my concern with the truth?
(B) Ten of Wands --
I've been covering for this employee. It's been hard on everyone having to shoulder his share of the load, but if I'm patient, he may yet become an asset. It will take extra resolve on my part.
(B) Queen of Cups --
Queen of Pentacles
To me, the store is more than just a job. I have put my heart into it. I feel the same way about my partner, but she has a more practical, matter-of-fact point of view. To her, a business is a business. Moving on is not a big, emotional deal.
(B) Wheel of Fortune --
Both cards suggest there is a mysterious element to this love that I must honor. I think this relationship is a major turning point, one that is destined to be. If I have faith in my choice and trust my heart, all will be well. It will be a new beginning for me.
Position 9 -- Position 8
(B) Eight of Wands -
The investigation will likely move into high gear soon as new information comes to light. This politician is running up against the power and authority of the Justice System.
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