Suggestions for Exercises - Lesson 15

Exercise 15.1 - Permanent Pairs in the Major Arcana

  1. Devil (hopelessness)..........Star (hope)
  2. Sun (enlightenment)..........Moon (bewilderment)
  3. Chariot (hard control)..........Hanged Man (letting go)
  4. Empress (mothering)..........Emperor (fathering)
  5. Fool (beginning)..........Death (ending)
  6. Hermit (disengaging)..........World (engaging)
  7. Hierophant (group beliefs)..........Lovers (personal beliefs)

Exercise 15.3 - Court Card Pairs

  1. Knight of Cups: introspective/introverted
    helps the Queen of Wands care more about her inner life
    annoys the Queen of Wands because he obsesses about his feelings

  2. King of Wands: forceful
    helps the Queen of Cups be more assertive
    annoys the Queen of Cups because he assumes she will follow him

  3. King of Pentacles: steady
    helps the Knight of Cups be calm under pressure
    annoys the Knight of Cups because he (KgP) is so consistent

  4. Queen of Pentacles: down-to-earth
    helps the King of Wands enjoy the simple things of life
    annoys the King of Wands when she rejects anything showy

  5. King of Swords: intellectual
    helps the King of Pentacles by explaining issues well
    annoys the King of Pentacles when he (KgS) is too theoretical

  6. King of Cups: tolerant
    helps the King of Swords temper justice with mercy
    annoys the King of Swords when he (KgC) forgives unjust behavior

  7. Queen of Cups: loving
    helps the Queen of Swords be more sensitive
    annoys the Queen of Swords because she (QnC) is not tough enough

  8. Knight of Wands: adventurous/restless
    helps the Queen of Pentacles go a little crazy sometimes
    annoys the Queen of Pentacles when he's constantly on the go

  9. Queen of Wands: cheerful
    helps the Knight of Swords be warm and outgoing
    annoys the Knight of Swords when she is unfazed by incompetence

  10. Knight of Pentacles: hardworking/grinding
    helps the King of Cups to focus on the task as well as people
    annoys the King of Cups when he (KnP) drives people too hard

  11. Queen of Swords: honest
    helps the Knight of Wands be up-front with everyone
    annoys the Knight of Wands by seeing through his charm

  12. Knight of Swords: incisive/cutting
    helps the Knight of Pentacles get to the point
    annoys the Knight of Pentacles by refusing to discuss details

Exercise 15.5 - Occasional Pairs

  1. Hermit: someone hiding from the law
    Justice: a representative of the law

  2. Nine of Swords: not being able to rest
    Four of Swords: being able to rest peacefully

  3. Two of Pentacles: both figures have a bent leg...perhaps a knee problem?
    Hanged Man

  4. Chariot: both cards show powerful figures ready to crush anything in their paths

  5. Four of Pentacles: someone who is alone and loves money.
    Six of Wands: someone who loves people and is surrounded by them

  6. Lovers: enjoying the delights of paradise
    Six of Swords: cast out of paradise to suffer and toil

  7. Hierophant: good
    Devil: evil

  8. Nine of Wands: two workers who have stopped their labors to rest
    Seven of Pentacles

  9. Sun: sunrise
    Ten of Swords: sunset

Exercises for Lesson 15

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