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Follow the link for a more detailed description of an item.
Adrian Tarot
Tarot Affirmations
African Tarot
Tarot of the Ages
Albano-Waite Tarot
---regular deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").....$16.00
---miniature deck - (1 5/8" X 2 3/8").....$12.00
Alchemical Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Alchemical Tarot" by Guiley & Place......$32.00
Ancestral Path Tarot
---book "Ancestral Path Tarot" by Hoover...$9.95
Ancient Egyptian Knowledge Cards
Ancient Egyptian Tarot
---deck/book set with "Ancient Eyptian Tarot" by Barrett...$29.95
Ancient Series:
Ancient Enlightened Tarot - Sola Busca
---book "Sola Busca Tarot" by Di Vincenzo......$10.00
Ancient Italian Tarot
Ancient Minchiate Etruria
Ancient Tarots of Bologna
Ancient Tarots of Liguria-Piedmont
Ancient Tarot of Lombardy
Ancient Tarots of Marseilles
Angel Blessings
---deck/book set with "Angel Blessings" by Marooney...$35.00
Angel Oracle
Angel Oracle Set
---deck/book set with "Angel Oracle" by Wauters..........$24.95
Angels Oracle Cards
Angels Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Angels Tarot" by Guiley and Place.........$32.00
Angel Tarot
Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards
Animal-Wise Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Animal-Wise Tarot" by Ted Andrews..........$34.95
Ansata Tarot
Aquarian Tarot Deck
---book "Psychic Tarot" by Junjulas........$9.95
Art Nouveau Tarot
Tarot Art Nouveau
Avalon Tarot
Awareness Cards
---deck/book set with "Awareness Cards" by Halliday...$19.95
Bach Flower Oracle
Barbara Walker Tarot
Baseball Tarot
---deck/book set with "Baseball Tarot" by Lerner & Philips.......$20.00
Basic Tarot
Beginner's Guide to the Tarot
---deck/book set with "Beginner's Guide to the Tarot" by Sharman-Burke...$19.95
Blank Tarot Cards
Book of African Divination
---deck/book set with "The Book of African Divination" by Buckland & Binger...$26.00
Book of Runes
---set with rune stones and "Book of Runes" by Blum.......$29.95
Bosch Tarot
B.O.T.A. (Builders of the Adytum) Tarot
Buckland Romani Tarot - see under "Romani" below
Buddha Cards
Cagliostro Tarot
Cary-Yale Visconti Tarocchi Deck
Tarots of Casanova
Tarot of the Cat People
---book "Tarot of the Cat People" by Kuykendall...$9.95
Celtic Book of the Dead
---deck/book set with "The Celtic Book of the Dead: Guide for Your Voyage to the Celtic Underworld" by Matthews...29.95
Celtic Tarot (from Lo Scarabeo)
Celtic Tarot Set
---deck/book set with "Celtic Tarot" by de Burgh.....................$24.95
Celtic Dragon Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Celtic Dragon Tarot" by Conway...$34.95
Celtic Tree Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Celtic Tree Oracle" by Murray & Murray......$32.95
Celtic Wisdom Sticks
---deck/book set with "Celtic Wisdom Sticks: An Ogam Oracle" by Matthews......$22.45
Celtic Wisdom Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Celtic Wisdom Tarot" by Matthews......$35.00
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick
---book "Tarot of Ceremonial Magick" by DuQuette........$15.00
---deck/book set...........sale - $27.00
Tarot of the Children
Chinese Tarot Deck
Tarot Classic
---book "Tarot Classic" by Kaplan........$9.95
Classic Tarot
Tarot of the Cloisters
---deck.................sale - $22.50
Comparative Tarot
Connolly Tarot
---regular deck......................$16.00
---miniature deck - (1 5/8" X 2 1/2").....$12.00
Contemplation Cards
Cosmic Tarot
---book "Cosmic Tarot" by Huets...$10.00
Cosmic Tribe Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Cosmic Tribe Tarot" by Postman and Ganther..............$32.00
Crop Circle Cards
---deck/book set with "Crop Circle Cards" by Quinly......$32.00
Crowley Thoth Tarot
---small deck - (2 7/8" X 4 3/8").....$16.00
---large deck - (3 3/4" X 5 1/2").....$20.00
---book "Tarot: Mirror of the Soul" by Ziegler....$9.95
---book "Book of Thoth" by Crowley...$16.95
Crowley Thoth SWISS Tarot
---pocket deck - (2 1/4" X 3 1/2").....$15.00
---large deck - (3 3/4" X 5 1/2").....$20.00
---Spanish version - (2 7/8" X 4 3/8").....$16.00
---book "Book of Thoth" by Crowley...$16.95
Crow's Magick Tarot
---book "Crow's Magick" by Marks...$10.00
Crystal Tarot
Tarot Universal Dali
Dance of Life Cards
---deck/book set with "Dance of Life Cards: An Intimate Tarot" by Savage & Frantz....$29.95
Dante Tarot
Daughters of the Moon Tarot
---book "Daughters of the Moon Tarot" by Morgan........$9.95
Destiny Tarot
---deck/book set with "Destiny Tarot Book" by Struthers...$19.95
Deva Tarot
Diamond Tarot
Dolphin Divination Cards
Dragon Cards
Dragon Oracle
Dragon Tarot
---book "Dragon Tarot" by Donaldson.......$9.95
---deck/book set..........$27.00
---deck/book set with "Dreamquest" by Meadows & Nye...$29.95
Druid Animal Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Druid Animal Oracle" by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm.....$24.95
Tarot of Durer
Egipcios Kier Tarot Deck
Egyptian Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Mayan Oracle" by Heath...sale - $31.45
Egyptian Tarot (U. S. Games)
Egyptian Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)
Element Tarot
---deck/book set with "Element Tarot" by Mendoza & Bourne...$29.95
Elemental Tarot
---deck/book set with "Elemental Tarot" by Smith and Astrop.............$18.95
Enchanted Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Enchanted Tarot" by Farber.....$29.95
Enochian Tarot
Epicurean Tarot Recipe Cards
---set of cards..............................$18.00
Esoteric Ancient Tarots
Etruscan Tarot
Faces of Womenspirit
---deck/book set with "Faces of Womenspirit: A Celtic Oracle of Avalon" by Torres...$31.95
Faery Wicca Tarot
Fairy Oracle
Fairy Ring
---deck/book set with "Guide to the Fairy Ring" by Franklin...$29.95
Fairy Tarot
Fantastical Tarot
Feng Shui Tarot
Fey Tarot
---deck/book set with "Fey Tarot" by Minetti...$29.95
Flower Speaks
---book "Flower Speaks" by Rudginsky........$12.00
The Fortune Teller's Deck
---deck/book set with "The Fortune Teller's Deck" by Lyle...$22.95
Fronteras-Waite Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Tarot" by Fronteras...$24.95
Gatti Originali
Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals
Gendron Tarot
Gill Tarot
---book "Gill Tarot" by Gill........$12.00
Giotto Tarot
Glastonbury Tarot
---deck/book set with "Glastonbury Tarot" by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma....$29.95
Glow in the Dark Tarot
Tarot of the Gnomes
---regular deck......................$19.95
---tiny deck (Smallest Tarot of the World).........$9.95
Goddesses Knowledge Cards
Goddess Tarot
---book "Goddess Tarot" by Waldherr........$12.00
---workbook "The Goddess Tarot Workbook" by Waldherr...$14.95
Goddess Wisdom Cards
Golden Dawn Tarot
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
Golden Rider Tarot
Golden Tarot of the Tsar
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards
Haindl Rune Oracle
---book "Haindl Rune Oracle" by Pennick........$14.00
Haindl Tarot
---book "Haindl Tarot" by Pollack...$12.00
Halloween Tarot
---book "Halloween Tarot" by Lee........$9.95
Hanson-Roberts Tarot
---book "Hanson-Roberts Tarot Companion" by Hansson........$9.95
Tarot of Hellen
Herbal Tarot
---book "The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot" by Tierra and Cantin...$9.95
Hudes Tarot
---book "Wisdom in the Cards" by A. L. Samul...$10.00
I Am One Tarot
Ibis Tarot
I Cani Tarot
I Ching Cards
I Ching Coins
I Ching Holitzka
I Ching Kit
---deck/book set with "How to Use the I Ching" by Karcher...$24.95
I Ching of Love
Illuminating Ancient Tarots - see under "Ancient Enlightened Tarot" above
Tarot of the Imagination
Infinite Tarot
Inner Child Cards
---deck/book set with "Inner Child Cards: A Fairy Tale Tarot" by Lerner & Lerner...$34.95
Insight Cards
---Insight Cards deck................$9.95
---Psychological Insight Cards deck................$9.95
---Spiritual Insight Cards deck................$9.95
Intuition Book and Card Pack
---deck/book set with "The Intuition Book: Unlock Your Psychic Potention" by Hamilton-Parker...$19.95
Intuition Cards
---deck/book set with "Intuition Cards" by Dubois...sale - $22.95
Irish Fairy Cards
---deck/book set with "Irish Fairy Cards for Inspiration and Guidance" by Jaya Moran....$32.95
1JJ Swiss Tarot Cards
---book "Tarot Cards for Fun and Fortune Telling" by Kaplan...$6.95
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Kabbalah Cards
Kalevala Tarot
---book only "Kalevala Tarot" by Aaltonen...$12.00
Karma Tarot
Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards: Spiritual Teachings of the Sioux
---deck/book set with "The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards" by
Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer and Sarkis.................$29.95
Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners by Joan Bunning
---book only in English........$19.95
---book only in Spanish........$17.95
---book only in Hebrew........$17.95
Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
---book "A Keeper of Words: Legend-The Arthurian Tarot" by Ferguson........$14.95
Light and Shadow Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Light and Shadow Tarot" by Goepferd & Williams....$19.95
Londa Tarot
Lord of the Rings Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Lord of the Rings Oracle" by Donaldson...$24.95
Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Card Game
---deck/book set............$30.00
Love Tarot
Tarot of Love
---book "Tarot of Love" by von Rohr and Winter...$9.95
Love is in the Earth Crystal Tarot
---deck/book set with guidebook by Melody and Goins.........$27.95
Lover's Oracle
Lover's Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Lover's Tarot" by Lyle..........$29.95
Mana Cards: The Power of Hawaiian Wisdom
---deck/book set with "Mana Cards" by Becker....................$36.50
Mantegna Tarot
Tarot of Marseilles
Tarots of Marseilles (from Lo Scarabeo)
Master Tarot
Tarot of the Master
Mayan Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars" by Spilsbury & Bryner...$35.00
Medicine Cards
---deck/book set with "Medicine Cards" by Sams and Carson...$29.95
Medicine Wheel Ceremonies
---deck/book set with "Medicine Wheel Ceremonies" by May & Rodberg...$9.95
Medicine Woman Tarot
---book "Medicine Woman Inner Guidebook" by Bridges........$12.95
Medieval Scapini Tarot
Merlin Tarot
---deck/book set with "Merlin Tarot: Images, Insight & Wisdom from the Age of Merlin" by Steward...$29.95
Merryday Tarot
Minchiate Tarot
---deck/book set with "Minchiate Tarot" by Williams...$35.00
Tarot of a Moon Garden
---book "Tarot of a Moon Garden" by Sweikhardt..........$9.95
Moon Oracle
---deck/book set with "The Moon Oracle" by Smith & Astrop...$24.95
Morgan-Greer Tarot
---book "The Book of Tarot" by Gerulskis-Estes...$10.00
Motherpeace Round Tarot
---regular deck...................$25.00
---miniature deck - (3" diameter).....$20.00
---book "Motherpeace Tarot Guidebook" by Vogel........$9.95
Mythic Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Mythic Tarot" by Sharman-Burke and Greene......$24.95
Napo Tarot
Native American Cards
Native American Tarot
---book "Star Spider Speaks: Teachings of the Native American Tarot" by Gonzalez...$9.95
Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea
---book "Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea" by Turk........$14.00
Nefertari's Tarot
New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
---deck/book set with "The New Orleands Voodoo Tarot" by Martinie and Glassman...$29.95
New Palladini Tarot
---book "Reading Tarot Cards" by Hansson...$9.95
Nigel Jackson Tarot
Tarot of Northern Shadows
Tarot Nova
---deck/book set (Fortune-Telling) with Tarot Nova deck and "Palm Reading" by Fairchild...$15.95
---deck/book set with mini Tarot Nova deck and "Tarot" by Fairchild...$4.95
---book "The Power of OH" by Bourgeois......$18.95
Old English Tarot
Tarot of the Old Path
---book "Tarot of the Old Path" by Rodway......$12.95
Olympus Tarot
1JJ Swiss Tarot Cards
---book "Tarot Cards for Fun and Fortune Telling" by Kaplan...$6.95
One World Tarot
Oracle of the Goddess
---deck/book set with "Oracle of the Goddess" by Zerner & Farber....$27.95
Original Rider Waite Tarot
---deck/book set with "Key to the Tarot" by Waite...$20.00
Tarot of the Origins
Tarot of the Orishas
---book "The Tarot of the Orishas" by Zolrak...$14.95
Osho Transformation Tarot
---deck/book set with "Osho Transformation Tarot" by the Osho Zen Foundation.....$24.95
Osho Zen Tarot
---deck/book set with "Osho Zen Tarot" by the Osho Zen Foundation...$24.95
Oswald Wirth Tarot
Tarot of Oz
Tarot de Paris
---deck/book set with "Tarot de Paris" by Thomas...$29.95
Phantasmagoric Theater Tarot
Phoenix Cards
Power of Flowers
---book "The Power of Flowers" by Lerner........$11.00
Power of Runes
Pythagorean Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Pythagorean Tarot" by Opsopaus...$39.95
Quest Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Compass: Guide to the Quest Tarot" by Martin.....$34.95
Quick and Easy Tarot
Relationship Cards
Renaissance Tarot (Williams)
---book "A Renaissance Tarot" by Williams........$17.95
Tarot of the Renaissance
Rider-Waite Tarot
---regular deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").......$16.00
---miniature deck - (1 3/4" X 2 7/8").....$12.00
---pocket deck - (2 1/4" X 3 1/2")........$14.00
---giant deck - (4" X 6 1/2").............$24.00
---Spanish deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4")............$15.00
---French deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").............$16.00
---German deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").............$14.00
---5 Language deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").........$16.00
---book "Pictorial Key to the Tarot" by A. E. Waite........$7.95
Robin Wood Tarot
---English deck.............$19.95
---Spanish deck.............$19.95
Rohrig Tarot
---book "The Rohrig-Tarot Book" by Rohrig & Marzano-Fritz...$15.95
Romani Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Romani Tarot: A Gypsy Book of Wisdom" by Buckland...$34.95
Tarot Roots of Asia
Rune Cards
---deck/book set with "The Rune Cards" by Blum.......$29.95
Rune Magic
Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards
---deck/book set with "Russia Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards" by Touchkoff...$35.00
Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg
---book "Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg" by Giles...$12.00
Sacred Circle Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Sacred Circle Tarot" by Franklin.....$34.95
Sacred Geometry Oracle
---deck/book set with "Sacred Geometry Oracle: Gateway to Transformation" by Greer....$34.95
Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck Set
---deck/book set with "Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck" by Hart....$35.00
Sacred Path Cards
---deck/book set with "Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self Through Native Teachings" by Sams...$36.00
Sacred Rose Tarot
---book "Guide to the Sacred Rose Tarot" by Gargulo-Sherman........$10.00
Tarot of the Saints
---deck/book set with "A Gnostic Book of Saints" by Place......$34.95
Santa Fe Tarot
---book "Santa Fe Tarot" by LeCocq and Huber........$12.00
Secret Tarot
Secret Tarot Set
---deck/book set with "Secret Tarot" by Lyle...$25.00
-----(originally published as Renaissance Tarot)
Tarot of the Sephiroth
---book "Guide to the Tarot of the Sephiroth" by Mori & Stockwell....$10.00
Shaman Wisdom Cards
Shapeshifter Tarot
---deck/book set with "Shapeshifter Tarot" by Conway & Knight......$29.95
Shining Tribe Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Shining Tribe Tarot" by Pollack...$34.95
Ship of Fools Tarot
---deck/book set with "Ship of Fools Tarot" by Williams...$34.95
Sibilla Oracle Cards
Silicon Valley Tarot
Smallest Tarot of the World
Sola Busca - Ancient Enlightened Tarot
---book "Sola Busca Tarot" by Di Vincenzo......$10.00
Songs for the Journey Home Tarot
---deck/book set with "Songs for the Journey Home: Alchemy through Imagery - A Tarot Pathway" by Cook & von Sommaruga...$46.00
Soul Cards I
Soul Cards II
Tarot of the Southwestern Sacred Tribes
Spanish-English Tarot Deck
Tarots of the Sphynx
Spiral Tarot
---book "Spiral Tarot" by Steventon......$9.95
Tarot of the Spirit
---book "Tarot of the Spirit" by Eakins........$22.95
Spiritual Tarot
---deck/book set with "Spiritual Tarot: Keys to the Divine Temple" by Wilson...$32.99
Stairs of Gold Tarot
Stargate Deck
---deck/book set with "Initiation to the Stars" by Jereb.......$19.95
Star Song Oracle
---deck/book set with "Star Song Oracle" by Rose...$29.95
Starter Tarot
1JJ Swiss Tarot
---book "Tarot Cards for Fun and Fortune Telling" by Kaplan...$6.95
Symbolon Deck
Tapestry Tarot
Tarot Affirmations
Tarot: A Fortune Jigsaw Puzzle
Tarot Roots of Asia - see under "Roots of Asia" above
Tavalgione Tarot deck - see Stairs of Gold Tarot
Templar Tarot
Terrestrial Tarot
Thoth Tarot decks - see under "Crowley" above
Tarot of the Third Millenium
Tarot of the Trance
Tibetan Medicine Cards
Transformational Tarot
---deck/book set with "Transformational Tarot" by Shirley Gotthold.....$49.95
Transforming Dragons
---deck/book set with "Transforming Dragons" by Cafe...$16.95
Triple Goddess Tarot
---deck/book set with "Triple Goddess Tarot" by Lerner...$35.00
Ukiyoe Tarot
Unicorn Tarot
---book "In Search of Unicorns" by Star..........$9.95
Tarot Universal Dali
Universal Tarot Set
---deck/book set with "Universal Tarot" by Miller...$25.00
Universal Tarot (by De Angelis)
Universal Waite Tarot
---regular deck - (2 3/4" X 4 3/4").....$16.00
---tiny deck - (13/16" X 1 3/8").....$5.00
---tiny deck in plastic case on a keychain - (13/16" X 1 3/8").....$7.00
---deck/book set with "The Pictorial Key to the Tarot" by Waite...$25.00
Universe Cards
---deck/book set with "Universe Cards: Personal Predictions for the 21st Century" by Stopforth...$25.00
Vampire Tarot
Victoria Regina Tarot
---deck/book set with "Victoria Regina Tarot Companion" by Patterson and Overnall...$34.95
Viking Cards
---deck/book set with "Viking Cards" by Bergman..........$19.95
Visconti Tarots
Visconti-Sforza Pierpont Morgan Tarocchi
Vision Tarot
Vision Quest Tarot
Voyager Tarot
---deck/book set with "Voyager Tarot: Guidebook for the Journey" by Wanless...$35.00
Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot
---deck/book set with "Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot" by Palin...$34.95
Wheel of Change Tarot
---deck/book set with "The Wheel of Change Tarot" by Genetti..........$32.00
Whimsical Tarot
---book "Whimsical Tarot" by Morrison........$11.00
Winged Spirit Tarot
Wisdom of the Australian Animals
---deck/book set with guidebook by Williams-Fitzgerald & Osborn.....$30.00
Tarot of the Witches
---book "The Tarot of the Witches" by Kaplan........$4.95
Witches Runes
---deck/book set with "Rune Mysteries" by Ravenwolf & Jackson...$29.95
Witches Tarot
---book "The Witches Tarot" by Reed........$12.95
Wolf Pack Deck
Wolf Song Cards
---book "Wolf Song Tarot" by Hartman & Spencer........$10.00
Wonderland Tarot Deck
World Spirit Tarot
---English deck................$24.95
---Spanish deck................$24.95
Xultun Tarot
---book "Flight of Feathered Serpent" by Balin........$15.00
Zerner-Farber Tarot
---deck/book set with "Instant Tarot Reader" by Farber and Zerner...$29.95
Zolar's Astrological Tarot
Deck Featured in Learning the Tarot:
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Copyright © 1995-2001 by Joan Bunning