WANDS | CUPS | SWORDS | PENTACLES | PAGE | Be Creative Be Enthusiastic Be Courageous Be Confident |
Be Emotional Be Intuitive Be Intimate Be Loving |
Use Your Mind Be Truthful Be Just Have Fortitude |
Have an Effect Be Practical Be Prosperous Be Trusting/Trustworthy |
KNIGHT Positive |
Charming Self-Confident Daring Adventurous Passionate |
Romantic Imaginative Sensitive Refined Introspective |
Direct Authoritative Incisive Knowledgeable Logical |
Unwavering Cautious Thorough Realistic Hardworking |
KNIGHT Negative |
Superficial Cocky Foolhardy Restless Hot-Tempered |
Overemotional Fanciful Temperamental Overrefined Introverted |
Blunt Overbearing Cutting Opinionated Unfeeling |
Stubborn Unadventurous Obsessive Pessimistic Grinding |
QUEEN | Attractive Wholehearted Energetic Cheerful Self-Assured |
Loving Tenderhearted Intuitive Psychic Spiritual |
Honest Astute Forthright Witty Experienced |
Nurturing Bighearted Down-to-Earth Resourceful Trustworthy |
KING | Creative Inspiring Forceful Charismatic Bold |
Wise Calm Diplomatic Caring Tolerant |
Intellectual Analytical Articulate Just Ethical |
Enterprising Adept Reliable Supporting Steady |
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