The most important step in the forgiveness process is deciding to do it. Any time when there is pain, tension, or disease, physically, emotionally, mentally, or in relationships, the application of the forgiveness process and restoration of the flow of love can produce benefits. The second most important step is deciding to complete it, whether it is just one process or your whole forgiveness agenda.
Many people feel overwhelmed at first, but as they learn it step by step, they get quicker at it. After a few faltering steps, children learn to walk. If you are reading this, you learned the letters of the alphabet, and how they form words and sentences. It seemed impossible at first, now you do it easily.
Deep down we all value love more than hate (blocked love). We know we have to master the practise of love - independently of external conditions, independently of the past or present behaviour of others, if we are to reach our best potential as human beings.
We know it is our responsibility to do this in the area and times where we find ourselves. It is unlikely that there is anything in this material that you did not already know, deep down inside you. My trust is that the material, combined with any follow-up group work that you will do, will enable you to bring the truth which you already knew out into the world of everyday, ordinary practical living.
You can click on any of the articles or steps here on this Contents Page. At the end of each article or Step you will be able to click on the next one in the Programme, or return to this Contents Page. There are specific things to do as you study and use each one. You will get the most out of the whole programme if you do them experientially. There are several cross-links between articles or Steps if this seemed appropriate. Thus you can work your way through this material in sequence, or in any order you choose. You may want to download various pages into your computer for later reference or even printing out on paper. Put together they would form a Forgiveness Manual similar to the one I provide for students in Forgiveness Seminars. The people who inspired this work are all acknowledged in the text, and I trust that if you use this material with others you, too, will acknowledge them. Their gift to us all has been great.
The Need for forgiveness and the Purpose of using a Forgiveness Process
Demythologising forgiveness - truths and untruths
Getting your Forgiveness Agenda
Emotional Health - Feelings & befriending the so-called negative emotions
Higher Self and some thoughts on Meditation
Patterns of Unconditional Love in Action - The Goodwill Patterns
Should I use the short or long version?
Forgiveness of Others - Basic, shorter version
Step One - Understand the definition of the forgiveness process
Step Three - Weighing up Benefits and Burdens
Step Four - Making the Choice and Decision to Forgive
Step Five - Validating your Emotional Reality safely
Step Six - Your mental reality - Beliefs
Steps Seven & Eight - Preference Statements and the values underlying them
Step Nine - Acceptance of History
Step Ten - Forgiveness = Cancelling all conditions and demands
Step Eleven - The First Energy Reality: Self Healing
Step Twelve & Thirteen - The Second Energy Reality - Healing the Relationship
Step Fourteen - The Goodwill Patterns
Step Sixteen - Check for Completion
Alternative imagery, shortened versions and the "Travelling Forgiveness"
Overcoming Obstacles during the Forgiveness Processes
Self-forgiveness, Introduction, the Will to live, and Healing the Inner Child
Self-forgiveness process - Basic (shorter) version
Self-Forgiveness Step One - Understanding the Definition of Forgiveness
SF Step Two and Three - Mobilising the Will and Deciding to Forgive
SF Step Four - Making Request to the Higher Self
SF Step Five - Preference Statements: What would have worked best
SF Step Six - Affirmation of Intention to forgive and heal the past
SF Step Seven - Identifying with the Higher Self
SF Step Eight - The Act of Forgiveness = Cancellation
SF Step Nine - Healing the Inner Child
SF Step Ten - Intuition: Teaching from Within
SF Step Eleven - Responsibility returned to the personal self
SF Step Twelve - Fusion of Higher and Lower Self Realities
SF Step Thirteen - Grounding the forgiveness
SF Step Fourteen - Future Pacing
SF Steps Fifteen & Sixteen - Completion Check, Closure and Maintenance
Overcoming Obstacles during the Forgiveness Processes
Self-Forgiveness Process Summarised
Patterns of Unconditional Love in Action - The Goodwill Patterns
Role of Guide and Guiding Skills
Where to from now? Follow up actions
References and Further Resources
Link here to go back to Forgiveness Home Page
Unless specifically requested by another person to share your experience of this material, you are asked to really work at applying this material in your own life before telling others about how good it would be for them! That might take you several months of a few hours regular work each week, unless you have a lot of free time.
A surgeon can learn about surgery without operating upon himself. But you will discover that you cannot learn about forgiveness and unconditional love without being willing to operate on yourself...
It is an ongoing task for us each to demonstrate these skills in the way we live and serve life forces on earth. People will want to learn from you and ask you about it when they see the difference it makes to your way of being in the world.