GUIDE, ask the FORGIVER to be seated, on the ground or a chair.
GUIDE: " Identify with the personal self, and the qualities of choice and will, of being responsible for, and in charge of, your life. Become aware of your values , and the purpose of this activity. Which of the following best fits your motivation? Speak them out and ask yourself if you are blocked to any of them. Notice how you feel as you say each one. Find the one(s) which best express your reason for doing this, or create a values statement of your own which does it in the best way for you".
FORGIVER, say or write:-
(a). "I value and am committed to my healing - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, - more than ill-health in any of those areas." (the word "spiritual" is used here to mean unfolding the very best in your development, and your relationships as a human being from the invisible, intangible realms to the visible and tangible world of everyday life) (b). "I value and am committed to compassionate self-forgiveness and joyful self-correction of the blocks to love and life energy in my mind, to relieve my inner distress and get back on course for my life, - more than continued guilt, self-damaging thought or behaviour, or being 'off target' in any other way".Or:- "More than continuing to feel false guilt." (if this applies). (c). "I value and am committed to establishing the flow of love and joy through me again - more than continuing their blockage any longer." (d). "I value and am committed to joy more than joylessness,... (e) "I value and am committed to Love more than hate or bitterness,.... (f) "I value and am committed to Becoming receptive to love more than blocking it out,... (g) "I value and am committed to Being well more than being ill,... (h) "I value and am committed to Feeling dignified more than feeling worthless,... (i) "I value and am committed to being creative more than being blocked..., (j) "I value and am committed to freedom more than being imprisoned, marinating in my own emotional negativity..., (k) "I value and am committed to Selfless sharing more than aggression..., (l) "I value and am committed to group life more than disharmony..., (m) "I value and am committed to cooperation more than separation and destructive competition..., Inner Peace more than irritation and imperil." ("Imperil" describes the physical effects in your body of negative emotions - for example, hypertension, muscle tension and postural imbalance, accidents, free radical proliferation and tissue degeneration). |
"The benefits of doing the self-forgiveness process could be......... 1. 2. 3. ETC. Think of as many as you can and list them The burdens of continued unforgiveness include.......... 1. 2. 3. ETC. Think of as many as you can and list them |
Then look at your lists. You do have a choice - between benefits and burdens. Which do you want? If you really want the benefits the Self-forgiveness process could bring, then you are ready to go on to Step Three, below.
"I do have a choice. I do have a will. I am tired of the burdens and pain being caused to myself and others. I therefore choose and will to do the Self-forgiveness process COMFORTABLY, JOYFULLY AND COMPLETELY, and that is my goal now" |
Are you ready for the next step? If so go on to SF Step Four - Making Request to the Higher Self
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