Laws of Psychological Life



Only if you set and sustain a goal/attitude/visualisation combination as your most important mind-set, to love unconditionally


all others, and

the Source of Life,

independently of the behaviour of others, will the outcomes always and reliably be positive, enhance life energy, and will you grow into expressing the fullness of who you truly are, a Being of spiritual love, wisdom and strength.

All contrary mind-sets must be removed. If not the results will be negative, or only partial fulfilment. It is the cancellation or removal of mind-sets that are blocking the flow of love which is the forgiveness process.



To love the Source of Life is to keep in tune with the fact that love is the basis of universal laws. It is both magnetic and radiatory, like gravity.

To love the Source of Life is also to be willing to accept and receive what life offers with gratitude and wonder, and to contribute fully of your own gifts.

To love your whole Self (as a creation of the Source) unconditionally includes:

1. To love your body, to nurture it, and your capacity to use it in productive service,

2. To love your emotions, the liveliness they can bring, and to nurture your capacity to be sensitive and express love and goodwill,

3. To love your mind and nurture your capacity to perceive, learn, reason, set goals, plan, think creatively, and turn negativity into positivity,

4. To love your Higher Self and its qualities, and to care enough for bringing it's capacity for wisdom, unconditional love, courage, compassion, strength, etc., and the capacity to forgive, right down into expression on earth.

To love all those of whom you are aware - for they, too, are creations of the Source. This includes the ways in which you think, as well as what you do.

The Forgiveness Processes and the Goodwill Patterns, or transpersonal mind-sets (see Patterns of Unconditional Love in Action - The Goodwill Patterns), enable you to do this. They enable you to make conscious the dynamic power that is available to you from the transpersonal level of your being.


The following are drawn from "The Act of Will" by Roberto Assagioli.

1. Images or mental pictures and ideas tend to produce the physical conditions and external events that correspond to them. Energy follows thought. Thoughts are living entities that tend to actualise. (Thus take care what images and mental pictures you create).

2. Attitudes, movements, and actions tend to evoke the corresponding mental images and ideas; these in turn tend to evoke and intensify the corresponding emotions and feelings. (This is the basis of Gestalt, psychodrama, catharsis and other action therapies).

3. Ideas and images tend to awaken emotions and feelings that correspond to them. (This, and the next two are used in advertising).

4. Emotions and impressions tend to awaken and intensify ideas and images that correspond to them or are associated with them. (Repeating negative memories increases their harmful effect upon us).

5. Needs, urges, drives, and desires tend to arouse corresponding images, ideas, and emotions, and thus behaviours. These patterns can cluster around specific unmet needs and form "subpersonalities".

6. Attention, interest, affirmations, and repetitions reinforce the ideas, images, and psychological formations on which they are centred. (This can be used to overcome resistances from the lower unconscious, and thus overcome habits. It is also the pathway whereby habitual negative thought, inner and outer speech continues to generate negative effects).

7. Repetition of actions intensifies the urge to further repetition, and renders their execution easier and better, until they become performed unconsciously. (This is how habits, good and bad, develop and can be reversed. e.g. lying v. being truthful).

8. All the various functions and their manifold combinations in complexes and subpersonalities adopt means of achieving their aims without our awareness, independently of, and even against, our conscious will. (Until you become aware, and make a conscious choice!)

9. Urges, drives, desires, and emotions tend to demand to be expressed. (That is, they have energy and force).

10. The psychological energies can find expression (a). Directly , on a task, or by direct verbalisation (b). Indirectly (through symbolic action or catharsis), (c). Through the process of Transmutation, (lifting to a higher correspondence, e.g. anger (passion) to compassion, fear to courage etc.).


Exercise: Write about the action of these laws in your own life, what you have learned about them and how you could apply your knowledge of them more skilfully in the future.

This has been the last article of the Introductory Section.

You could now go on to either of:

(a) Should I use the short or long version? if you want to go on to the Forgiveness of Others Process

(b) Self-forgiveness, Introduction, the Will to live, and Healing the Inner Child if you want to go to the Self-forgiveness Process.

Link here to return to Forgiveness Programme - Contents

In case you want to review other parts of the Introductory Section this part of the Contents page is given again here:

These three articles are to help to prepare you to use the processes

The Need for forgiveness and the Purpose of using a Forgiveness Process

The Healing Journey

Demythologising forgiveness - truths and untruths

This article is to help you to find out whom you may need to forgive in order to become "clear"

Getting your Forgiveness Agenda

These five articles are to assist you with theoretical background related to the psychosynthesis framework for human development, and the way our bodies, emotions, minds, and souls can work together. You may also like to refer to them if you are not clear about the way some of the terms are used

Emotional Health - Feelings & befriending the so-called negative emotions

Levels of the Self

The Will & the Mind

Higher Self and some thoughts on Meditation

Psychological Laws

This article introduces the Aramaic words from the Code of Conduct of mind-sets which lead to right human relationships. Combined with the Forgiveness Processes, and Clear Communication skills this is a most powerful combination for bringing the ability to love into your life.

Patterns of Unconditional Love in Action - The Goodwill Patterns