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Forgiveness. . . What's it for?

Larry James

  • LoveNote. . . If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive. - Mother Theresa
Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it works!

We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM to die!

Someone once said, "To err is human, to forgive is Divine." Believe it!

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated. It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask yourself: "Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?" If the answer is "No," then that's it! All is forgiven.

Forgiveness is an act of the imagination. It dares you to imagine a better future, one that is based on the blessed possibility that your hurt will not be the final word on the matter. It challenges you to give up your destructive thoughts about the situation and to believe in the possibility of a better future. It builds confidence that you can survive the pain and grow from it.

Telling someone is a bonus! It is not necessary for forgiveness to begin the process that heals the hurt. Forgiveness has little or nothing to do with another person because forgiveness is an internal matter.

Choice is always present in forgiveness. You do not have to forgive AND there are consequences. Refusing to forgive by holding on to the anger, resentment and a sense of betrayal can make your own life miserable. A vindictive mind-set creates bitterness and lets the betrayer claim one more victim.

There is nothing so bad that cannot be forgiven. Nothing!

Some will argue that in the case of child abuse, the Holocaust, Saddam Hussain, etc, the abuser has no "right" to forgiveness -- such blessings can only be earned -- that forgiveness only leads to further victimization. Such acts are heinous and dispicable and with time (and in many cases, therapy) they can be forgiven. Every day you may have to forgive again.

I believe that to withhold forgiveness is to choose to continue to remain the victim. Remember, you always have choice.

When you forgive you do it for you, not for the other. The person you have never forgiven. . . owns you! How about an affair? Just because you choose to forgive, does not mean you have to stay in the relationship. That is only and always your choice. The choice to forgive is only and always yours.

When you feel that forgiveness is necessary, do not forgive for your "their" sake. Do it for yourself! It would be great if they would come to you and ask forgiveness but you must accept the fact that some people will never do that. That is their choice. They do not NEED to be forgiven. They did what they did and that is it - except for the consequences, which THEY must live with.

The hurts won't heal until you forgive! Recovery from wrongdoing that produces genuine forgiveness takes time. For some, it may take years. Don't rush it. It helps to focus your energy on the healing, not the hurt!

HEALTHY love relationships are not possible without forgiveness! You cannot have a loving and rewarding relationship with anyone else, much less yourself, if you continue to hold on to things that happened in the past. Regardless of the situation, making peace with past love partners, your parents, children, your boss or anyone who you think may have "done you wrong" is the only way to improve your chances of a "healthy" relationship with yourself or anyone else for that matter!

It is not possible to truly be present and available to a new relationship until you heal the hurt and upsets of the past.

Forgiving someone else is to agree within yourself to overlook the wrong they have committed against you and to move on with your life. It's the only way. It means cutting them some slack.

"What?" you say! "Cut them some slack after what THEY did to me? Never!" Let go! Move on!

Non-forgiveness keeps you in the struggle. Being willing to forgive can bring a sense of peace and well-being. It lifts anxiety and delivers you from depression. It can enhance your self-esteem and give you hope.

  • LoveNote. . . The things that two people in love do to each other they remember. And if they stay together, it is not because they forget, it is because they forgive. - From the movie, Indecent Proposal
Forgive and forget is a myth. You may never forget AND you can choose to forgive. As life goes on and you remember, then is the time to once again remember that you have already forgiven. Mentally forgive again if necessary, then move forward. When we allow it, time can dull the vividness of the memory of the hurt; the memory will fade.

Forgiveness is a creative act that changes us from prisoners of the past to liberated people at peace with our memories. It is not forgetfulness, but it involves accepting the promise that the future can be more than dwelling on memories of past injury.

There is no future in the past. You can never live in the present and create a new and exciting future for yourself and your love partner if you always stay stuck in the past.

If you are at war with others you cannot be at peace with yourself. You CAN let go. . . and forgive! It takes no strength to let go. . . only courage. Life either expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage to forgive. Your choice to forgive or not to forgive either moves you closer to what you desire or further away from it. There is no middle ground. Change is constant.

Want peace of mind? Forgive. The same energy you use to hold on (to not forgive), is the same energy you need to create a new and exciting relationship TOGETHER; a relationship anchored in unconditional love.

Forgiveness helps you move forward. No one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives!

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness. The very word forgiveness is built on the root word give. Forgiveness releases your partner from your criticism and also releases you from being imprisoned by your own negative judgments. It is not surrender, but a conscious decision to cease to harbor resentment. In affect, it takes the poison our of your body. It cleanses your system of the poison that will surely fester and cause illness and continued misery if not released. You cannot take the poison and expect someone else to die. They will go on with their life and you will be the only one to continue to suffer.

Forgiveness is the key to your own happiness. Forgiving someone else takes moral courage. It ends the illusion of separation, and its power can change misery into happiness in an instant. Forgiveness means choosing to let go, move on, and favor the positive.

Forgiveness is a form of love within the context of a personal crisis. To forgive is, in a sense, to love one's enemy. When forgiveness is given because you think you should, it no longer is forgiveness but an act of self- interest.

The act of forgiveness constitutes a mental bath, letting go of something that can only poison us within.

Robert Enright, a developmental psychologist at the University of Wisconsin defines forgiveness as "giving up the resentment to which you are entitled and offering to the person who hurt you friendlier attitudes to which they are not entitled."

Mona Gustafson Affinito says, "Forgiveness means deciding not to punish a perceived injustice, taking action on that decision, and experiencing the emotional relief that follows."

Research has shown that people who are deeply and unjustly hurt by others can heal emotionally and, in some cases, physically by forgiving their offender.

Forgiveness breaks the cycle of hatred, resentment, anger and pain that is often passed on to those around you.

Forgiveness. What it's for? It creates the freedom to create a new future beginning now!

  • LoveNote. . . One pardons to the degree that one loves. - Francios De La Rochefoucauld

  • LoveNote. . . Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselves. - Thich Nhat Hanh

  • LoveNote. . . Love is an act of endless forgiveness. - Peter Ustinov

  • LoveNote. . . Genuine forgiveness is participation, reunion overcoming the powers of estrangement. . . We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love. - Paul Tillich

  • LoveNote. . . To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. - Robert Muller

  • LoveNote. . . You know you have forgiven someone when he or she has harmless passage through your mind. - Rev. Karyl Huntley

  • LoveNote. . . Forgiveness is the release of all hope for a better past. - Alexa Young

Copyright © 2004 - Larry James. Adapted from the book, "How to Really Love the One You're With."

  If you would like to talk one-on-one with Larry James about relationship issues related to this article, you are invited to arrange for a private coaching session by telephone. Go to Personal Relationship Coaching for specific details.

NOTE: Since "forgiveness" is an absolute necessity for demonstrating a healthy love relationship with yourself, your significant other or your friends, we encourage you to "Celebrate Forgiveness" by reading up on the topic of forgiveness on the following links. . .

Practicing Forgiveness - An inventory of forgiveness resources.

Read an article by Arizona Republic reporter, Jo-an Holstein called, "Let the Healing Begin." Larry James was quoted in the Nov. 6 article of The Republic's "Fit & Well" publication distributed in Scottsdale, AZ.

Bruderhof Forgiveness Guide - Your guide to the best forgiveness resources on the web.

A Parable on Forgiveness

The Forgiveness Web - One of the most comprehensive forgiveness resources.

To purchase any of the following books on forgiveness, just click on the link or the book cover!

Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All - Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD - This is a small book with a big message; if people are to heal themselves and learn to live with each other in love and harmony, forgiveness must become as important and regular as breathing. The first chapter offers powerful stories chosen to open the reader's heart to the idea of forgiveness. Subsequent chapters explain why so many individuals find it so difficult to forgive, and why holding onto grievances is really a decision to suffer.

Larry's Review: All I can say is: If you feel the need to forgive or feel you need forgiveness, you must read this book.

When to Forgive - Mona Gustafson Affinito, Ph.D., L.P. - When people are hurt, whether in an argument or more deeply by childhood mistreatment, they may be tempted to hang onto their anger and not let the guilty party off too easily. This book teaches readers to confront their negative feelings and, based on their own values, decide on a course of action.

Larry's Review: A guide to better understanding the healing process that forgiveness is.
When to Forgive

The Magic of Forgiveness The Magic of Forgiveness: Emotional Freedom and Transformation at Midlife - Tian Dayton, Ph.D. - Forgiveness is most powerful when a woman reaches midlife: a natural time for reflection when she stands at a biological and emotional crossroads. In this groundbreaking book-the first of its kind for women - acclaimed therapist Tian Dayton shows women how assessing their lives and forgiving old wounds are as essential to their well-being as proper nutrition and retirement planning.

Larry's Review: Women, this one is for you. This book will teach you to process painful memories and greatly assist you in healing those hurts held over from the past.

The Self-Forgiveness Handbook: A Practical and Empowering Guide - Thom Rutledge - Thom is onto something. Writing in the awareness that the line between spirituality and psychology has blurred, his third self-help book concentrates on kindness. That is, be kind first to yourself and your kindness will flow to others. All psychological healing comes from the ability to forgive oneself.

Larry's Review: Heed my friend, Thom Rutledge's advice; forgiveness is the key to freedom!
The Self-Forgiveness Handbook

The Prayer of Revenge The Prayer of Revenge: Forgiveness in the Face of Injustice - Doug Schmidt - When you're struggling to forgive an indifferent or calloused individual, why does the well-meaning advice to "let bygones be bygones" often seem insensitive and trite? Perhaps you're tempted to look that would-be helper in the eye and say, "You have no idea what this person did to me." This book defines the #1 legitimate reason many people are unable to forgive - and then offers a compassionate, yet controversial solution to this common dilemma.

Larry's Review: Forgiveness from a Christian perspective. This book oozes compassion. Doug Schmidt shares honestly what God has to say about forgiveness. Highly recommended.

To Forgive, Divine - Melissa Lea Leedom - Since the accident that killed her husband two years ago, Bonnie's had no room in her heart for new love. She certainly didn't plan to fall for her also-widowed pastor! Jeff Wells can't wait to see Bonnie again. But nosy neighbor Clara Adkinson informs him that he isn't the only man in Bonnie's life! Who is this other guy? While it is fiction, it explores the many facets of forgiveness in relationships.

Larry's Review: Coming soon!
To Forgive, Divine

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Relationship books by Larry James:

How to Really Love the One You're With:
Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship

LoveNotes for Lovers:
Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing

Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers (Career Assurance Press).

Author Larry James is a professional speaker. He presents "Relationship Enrichment LoveShops" nationally for singles and couples. More About Larry James

For a personally autographed copy of Larry's books, or for more information, please contact:

Larry James • • P.O. Box 12695 • Scottsdale, AZ 85267-2695

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