Venerable Master Hsuan Hua - His Life, His Legacy Life of the Ven. Master Hsuan Hua Site Map

Main Contents | Life of the Ven. Master Hsuan Hua


Life of the
Ven. Master
Hsuan Hua

Early Years
Leaving the Home Life
Dharma Transmission
Residing in Hong Kong
Bringing the Dharma to the West
Monk in the Grave Period
The First American Sangha
A Road of Hardship
Great Parinirvana
The Infinite Dharma Wheel

Dharma Transmission

In 1946, because he esteemed the Elder Master Hsu Yun as a great hero of Buddhism, the Master quickly packed his belongings and set out on his way to pay homage to him.

With the Elder Master Hsu Yun at Nanhua Monastery in China, 1948

With the Elder Master Hsu Yun at Nanhua Monastery in China, 1948

During his arduous journey, he stayed at many of the renowned monasteries of mainland China. In 1947 he went to Potola Mountain to receive the complete ordination. In 1948 he reached Nanhua Monastery at Caoxi of Guangzhou, where he paid homage to Elder Master Hsu Yun and was assigned to be an instructor in the Nanhua Monastery Vinaya Academy. Later he was appointed as Dean of Academic Affairs. The Elder Master Hsu Yun saw that the Master was an outstanding individual in Buddhism and transmitted the Dharma lineage to him, giving him the Dharma name Hsuan Hua and making him the Ninth Patriarch of the Wei Yang Sect, the forty-fifth generation since the First Patriarch Mahakashyapa.

Click here to read Venerable Master Hua's recollections.

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