The Anapanasati Sutta
--A Practical Guide to Midfulness of Breathing and Tranquil Wisdom Meditationby Ven. U Vimalaramsi
(The contents will open in a separate browser window.)
- Introduction to the Anapanasati Sutta
- An Open Invitation
- Of Rose-apples, Bodhis and the Way to Nibbana
- The Courage to Investigate
- Prelude to Tranquil Wisdom (Samadhi) Meditation
- The Anapanasati Sutta
- Introductory Section
- The Four Right Kind of Striving
- The Four Bases for Spiritual Power
- The Five Faculties
- The Five Powers
- Mindfulness of Breathing
- Fulfillment of the Four Foundation of Mindfulness
- Fulfillment of the Seven Enlightenment Factors
- Fulfillment of True Knowledge and Deliverance
- Sadhu..... Sadhu..... Sadhu.....
From the print version published by the Yin-Shun Foundation