This is a collection of Green Tara Images spotted on the web by the webmaster. Please send me a note if you would like to have any links added, deleted or corrections made. You should be able to click through to the original source locations for all the images.

The serene Green Tara, in her mode of compassion, not-wrathful taking no heads, coming into being from the tears of Avalokitesvara.


Dharmapala Centre
School of Thangka Painting
2.1 Green Tara / Grüne Tara
Green Tara (Sanskrit: "Syamatârâ", Tibetan: "sGrol ma ljang gu") is the embodiment of the activity of all Buddhas. She offers us a hand to lift us up to a mountain of enlightenment qualities. Tara belongs to the Karma family of unobstructed compassionate activity.

She is known as the Swift One, due to her immediate response to those who request her aid. Furthermore she is known as the great liberator, specializing in overcoming obstacles in whatever form they manifest in our lives. No deity in the Buddhist pantheon is more popular than Tara. She is especially known for her power to overcome the most difficult situations, giving protection against dangers and all kinds of fear.

Om, I prostrate to the noble, exalted liberator Tara.
I prostrate to Tare, swift and glorious.
With Tutare you clear away all fear.
With Ture, you are the liberator who fulfills all good intentions.
I bow to you of the letters So and Ha.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture So Ha
Om Tare Tuttare Ture SoHa!

Green Tara Foundation