Ten Dedication
Dedication prayers are
extremely important. Each time we pray and generate a wish, it builds
power because everything—hell, enlightenment, and everything in
between—comes from the mind. For ex-ample, let’s say each day you pray to
have the same qualities as Lama Tsong Khapa and to offer benefit to
sentient beings and to the Buddha’s teaching just as he did. This makes
preparation so that in all future lifetimes you will be able to practice
correctly and offer extensive benefit like Lama Tsong Khapa did by having
his same qualities within you. If you want to make your life most
beneficial, pray like this. Prayers bring results because everything
depends on the tip of the intention; everything depends on your mind, your
attitude. Begin each of the
following dedications with “due to the past, present, and future merits
created by myself, the Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and sentient beings...” so
that you make the dedications as extensive and meaningful as possible.
“May the precious bodhi mind not
yet born arises and grow. May that born have no decline but increase
forever more. May we actualize bodhicitta, the loving-compassion thought
renouncing self-happiness and cherishing the happiness of others, as
quickly as possible. “In the snowy
mountain paradise, you are the source of good and happiness. Powerful
Tenzin Gyatso Chenrezig, may you stay until samsara ends.
“May the glorious spiritual
masters live long and may all beings throughout limitless space have
happiness. By purifying our defilements and accumulating positive
potential, may I and all others be inspired to attain Buddhahood quickly.
“May all our virtuous friends and
other holy beings, whose only thought is to benefit sentient beings and
the Buddha’s teachings, have stable lives and may their wishes be
fulfilled immediately. May the glorious spiritual masters live long and
may all beings throughout limitless space have happiness. By purifying our
defilements and accumulating positive potential, may I and all others be
inspired to attain Buddhahood quickly.
“May all the father and mother
sentient beings have happiness. May the lower realms be empty forever. May
all the bodhisattvas’ prayers succeed immediately. May I be able to cause
all this by myself alone. “May
anyone who merely sees, hears, remembers, touches, talks to me, talks
about me, or harms or helps me never be reborn in the lower realms. May
they immediately be liberated from all disease, negative karma, and
obscurations. May they generate the entire path, especially bodhicitta, in
their mind-streams and attain enlightenment as quickly as possible.
“May no one experience war,
famine, drought, earthquake, or any other natural or manmade disasters. By
generating love, compassion, and bodhicitta, may everybody live their
lives without harming one another. May they help each other as much as
possible, and may everyone have inner development, the realizations of the
path. “May we actualize within our
minds the complete teachings of Lama Tsong Khapa, the unified path of
sutra and tantra, without even a second’s delay. In all future lives, may
we be able to offer extensive benefit, limitless like the sky, just as
Lama Tsong Khapa did by having the same qualities as he did. May we spread
Lama Tsong Khapa’s teachings in the minds of all sentient beings and lead
them to enlightenment as quickly as possible.
“May whatever action I do with
body, speech, or mind benefit sentient beings. May whatever I experience
in life—health or illness, wealth or poverty, comfort or problems,
financial gain or loss, gain or loss in my spiritual life, life or death,
rebirth in the hell realm or rebirth in the human or god realms—be the
most beneficial for all sentient beings. May I cause them to attain
enlightenment as quickly as possible by myself becoming enlightened.
“Like the Compassionate White
Lotus, Chenrezig, may my presence make the suffering of the sentient
beings in the area or realm where I live naturally and instantly come to
an end. May they and all other sentient beings receive perfect happiness.
May those who are having difficulties finding a job find a job. May those
who are ill—especially those with illnesses that are difficult to cure,
such as cancer, AIDS, leprosy, arthritis, spirit possession, and so
forth—immediately be healed. May the blind be able to see and the deaf be
able to hear. May those who long to hear the Dharma, receive the Dharma.
May those who need a guru meet a guru. May those who need a friend find
friends. May those who wish to have children have children.
“Due to the past, present, and
future merits created by myself, Buddhas, bodhisattvas and sentient
beings, who are like a dream or an illusion, may I, who is like a dream,
attain Yamantaka’s enlightenment, which is like a dream, and lead all
sentient beings, who are like a dream, to that enlightenment, which is
like a dream, by myself alone, who is like a dream.
"May all Dharma projects and
activities of the centers be successful at once. May the centers become
like wish-fulfilling gems for all sentient beings by immediately pacifying
their physical and mental suffering and spreading the teachings of Lama
Tsong Khapa in the minds of all sentient beings. May the centers and
practitioners receive all the necessary conditions to do this
successfully. “May all the Dharma
projects to benefit others, including the Maitreya Buddha statue, be
immediately successful and of greatest benefit to all sentient beings. May
these projects cause faith in the Three Jewels and in the functioning of
karma to arise in the minds of all sentient beings. May they cause
loving-kindness and compassion to arise in the minds of all sentient
beings. May people who hear about the Maitreya statue or see a brochure
about it, who talk about it or dream about it, or who contribute their
time, energy, finances and so forth to it, never be born in the lower
realms. May they be able to receive perfect human rebirths in life after
life and attain enlightenment soon. If that does not happen during the
present era of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, may they be a direct disciple of
Maitreya Buddha and receive a prediction of their enlightenment.”
Dedicating for the dying
and the deceased When
people have requested you to make prayers for others who are dying or have
died, please do so. At the moment, their life is finishing, but sooner or
later yours will as well. Other people will use your name, “So-and-so is
dying.” They will call, write, or meet each other and share the news that
you have died. This will definitely happen.
The Stainless Beam mantra can
liberate a person in the lower realms if it is recited seventy times. It
immediately liberates someone who has died and been born in the lower
realms from that misfortune. Unfortunately, I have not memorized that
mantra yet. I am just advertising its benefits!
In general, you can recite any
mantra when someone dies, such as om mani padme hum, Vajrasattva, or
Medicine Buddha mantra. Reciting the Medicine Buddha’s mantra and praying
to him is worthwhile, because in the past he promised to actualize
whatever prayers were done in this degenerate time. The Namgyalma mantra
is another extremely powerful one to recite for dead people. Kyabje
Trijang Rinpoche was doing this one time when Lama and I went to have an
interview with him in Mundgod. People from all over the world would send
offerings and request him to pray for the deceased, but he told us,
“People think this mantra is only for long life, but it’s not. It is
extremely powerful for purification.” The short Namgyalma mantra is om
dhrum soha om amrita ayur dade soha, although normally I recite the long
one. You can do one mala of the short mantra or a small number of the long
one. When people die, dedicating
as follows is especially good:
“Due to all the past, present and
future merits created by myself, the Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and sentient
beings, may all sentient beings be free from pain and torture from
sickness or karma at the time of death. May they have a clear mind,
generate strong faith by seeing the deity as inseparable from the guru, go
to a pure land, and become enlightened there.
“Alternatively, may they receive a
perfect human body and meet a perfectly qualified Mahayana guru when they
are young. May they generate renunciation, live in pure ordination vows,
and do only actions pleasing the holy mind of the virtuous friend. Being
guided by their guru, may they train their mind well in the three
principals of the path and actualize the two stages of the tantric
path—the generation stage, which ripens the mind, and the completion
stage, which liberates the mind. By actualizing these two, may they attain
the unified state of Vajradhara, the holy body and mind, the precious
state of enlightenment with seven features, as quickly as possible. When
they die, may all beings who have made a Dharma connection with me
experience this.”
Dedicating to meet qualified spiritual
“May our family members, all the students and
benefactors, especially all those who have dedicated their lives to
benefiting others through this organization, and all other sentient
beings, be healthy and have long lives. May all of us in all lifetimes
meet only perfectly qualified Mahayana virtuous friends, and from our side
may we see them only as enlightened beings.”
I would like to comment on this
dedication. I am not saying that I am an enlightened being. However, if we
practice looking at our teachers as enlightened beings, we disciples
profit greatly. Whether from his or her side the teacher is an enlightened
being, a bodhisattva, or an ordinary being, still, from the side of us
disciples, we receive great benefit by having devotion. Our faith causes
us to receive the blessings of the virtuous friend, the guru.
Simultaneously, we receive the blessings of all the Buddhas and
bodhisattvas, and this becomes a cause to realize the path to
enlightenment. That is why we pray to see our gurus only as enlightened
beings, to do only actions that please them, and to fulfill their wishes
immediately. May it happen like this in all lifetimes from now on.
Praying to do only actions that
please the minds of your virtuous friends is the most powerful
purification. It counteracts heavy negative karma accumulated in this and
past lives, especially that created with your virtuous friends. Fulfilling
their holy wishes is the most potent method of quickly completing the
collection of extensive merit, and thus the quickest path to developing
realizations and creating the cause for all success, be it temporary or
spiritual happiness. Praying in this way also helps you avoid mistakes in
your relationship with your virtuous friends again in future lives; it
allows you to devote yourself to them properly and makes your practice
more effective in this and future lives. If you would like to be able to
practice better in future lives, this is one way to bring it about. It is
very important to pray like this all the time.
One way to have fewer obstacles
and to practice better in this and the next life is to purify negative
karma, especially that created in relationship with your gurus. This also
stops the karmic result of having the tendency to create negative karma
with the virtuous friend again in the future. Another way is to practice
correctly, as the Buddha and Lama Tsong Khapa explained in lam-rim.
Dedicating your merit for this to happen is also important. By generating
the wish, the mind has the power to bring success. It is the nature of the
mind that by generating many wishes like this, they will be actualized.
For example, if you have a strong wish to be born in a pure land and
generate that wish frequently, when you die, the power of that imprint on
your mind will make rebirth in the pure land easier. Any virtuous wishes
you generate again and again become increasingly more powerful, and after
some time, they are actualized.
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