A Glance Meditation on All the Important Points of Lam Rim
I take refuge in all magnificent pure gurus, who are the nature embodying all the Buddhas, the source of all the pure Dharma of transmission and realization, and the principal among all the arya Sangha. Please bless me so that my mind
becomes Dharma, the Dharma becomes the path, and the path is free of all
hindrances. Until I achieve enlightenment, may I, like the bodhisattvas
Shonnu Norsang and Taktungu practice pure devotion to my guru in thought
and action, see all the actions of my guru in excellence, and fulfil
whatever he or she advises. Please bless me with the potential to
accomplish this. Knowing that this highly meaningful
perfect human rebirth is difficult to obtain and easily lost, and
realizing the profundity of cause and effect and the unbearable sufferings
of the lower realms, I take refuge from my heart in the three precious
sublime ones. I will abandon negativity and practice virtue in accordance
with the Dharma. Please bless me with the potential to accomplish
this. In dependence on these, I am able to
attain only the higher rebirths of humans and gods. Not having abandoned
the disturbing attitudes, I will have to experience uninterrupted,
limitless cyclic existence. By contemplating well how cyclic existence
works, may I train, day and night, in the principal path of the three
precious higher trainings—the means of attaining liberation. Please bless
me with the potential to continuously train like this. In dependence on these, I am able to
attain only self-liberation. Because there is not one sentient being in
all the six realms who has not been my mother or father, I will turn away
from this lower happiness and generate the wish to fulfil their ultimate
purposes. By contemplating the path of equalizing and exchanging self for
others, I will generate the precious bodhicitta and engage in the
bodhisattva’s actions, the six far-reaching attitudes. Please bless me
with the potential to train in this way. Having trained like this in the
common path, I myself will not have aversion to experiencing the
sufferings of cyclic existence for a long time. Nevertheless, may I, by
the force of extraordinary unbearable compassion for sentient beings,
enter the quick path of Vajrayana. By observing purely my vows and pledges
even at the cost of my life, may I quickly attain the unified state of
Vajradhara in one brief lifetime of this degenerate age. Please bless me
with the potential to attain this. This glance meditation on the Lam Rim was composed by Vajradhara Losang Jinpa. |