Offering for the Dead(to hear a mantra, click on the underlined words, and the sound file will download to your player.) Refuge
Offering for the DeadOM VAJRA
AMRTA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT Everything becomes empty. Out of emptiness from the syllable BHRUM comes a vast precious vessel, huge and spacious, inside of which the three syllables OM AH HUM dissolve into light and transform into an excellent aroma having the five desirable qualities, filling the whole space and ground. OM AH HUM NAMA
OfferingsPADYAM, PUSHPE, DHUPE ALOKE, GANDHE, NAIVIDYE, SHABTA, PRATITSA SVAHA I prostrate to the Bhagava Tathagata, the Victorious Many Jewelled One
I offer and dedicate this excellent aroma, this undefiled offering of the sur, endowed with the five desired qualities, to the Gurus, Meditational Deities, Three Jewels, Dakini, and Protectors to the Joyous One, King of the Spirits and to the whole assembly of spirits, to all the other living beings of the six realms of life, to the assembly of the country and local gods, to those who seek with a grudge to revenge, to those to whom we are karmically indebted, and especially to those who between yesterday and today have been killed or committed suicide or have died, having abandoned the previous life form and not yet having found the next life form. To those bardo beings, whoever are there I offer and dedicate this offering All the guests are satisfied with the rain of this wish-fulfilling offering and thereby all one's obstacles are pacified, bringing about long life, free from illness, and increase of wealth, obtaining the power to bring all the three worlds under one's control. Request Please fulfill all the purposes according to my own wishes May all the sentient beings in the bardo state be free from all types of fears and sufferings. May they be able to remember the instructions of the Gurus and be able to take rebirth in Sukhavati by having repaid all debts, may all beings be endowed with happiness, may all the country and local spirits never forget to give their assistance and support. At the time when I depart from this life may I be free from all types of suffering and pains and take rebirth in the pure land of Buddha and thereby be able to give benefit and happiness to all living beings as soon as the appearance of the bardo comes may I be guided by the eight Bodhisattvas of the Buddhas who show the correct path. May I take rebirth in Sukhavati and with my own manifestations, may the beings of the lower migrations be liberated without having to struggle or to harm others may everyone enjoy perfect freedom as soon as I meet the next life may I take miraculous birth from the corolla of the lotus flower in the pure land of Sukhavati. TAYATA OM PANTSI DRIYA AVABODHANI SVAHA Colophon: If one performs this sur it temporarily clears all obstacles, both religious and temporal and ultimately leads to the attainment of the four bodies of the Buddha Written by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyalsten site by Copyright 1994 Daka's Buddhist Astrology, All Rights Reserved |