Tibetan Buddhist Temple of Montreal
Cutting through duality

The Chöd practice has various tunes that a person can sing and involves a principle of aspects of activities which are pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and destroying. The main source of this lineage was the great Bodhisattva Padampa Sangye. Padampa was his Tibetan name. Kamalashila was his Sanskrit name. The main text he taught in Tibet was called the "Dam Chu She Che". This text had its source in both Sutras and Tantras. Part of this text is known as the "Chöd". When Padampa Sangye transmitted this lineage two different aspects developed. One was the general She Che and the other aspect was the Chöd. She Che specifically deals with the pacifying of suffering. Chöd deals with the cutting through of duality. So, there was a slight difference between the two even though they had the same basis. Padampa Sangye had forty-nine remarkable disciples, twenty-five of which were male and twenty-four of which were female. He passed the general She Che teachings to all of them. The Chöd lineage as well as the She Che was passed down to one main disciple who was known as Machik Lapdron Drolma. There are three principles which must be established to practice and get profound benefit and appropriate development from Chöd practice. The first principle we need is to have a proper foundation. This means that one's view must be sincere and very clear. When a person lives by a principle such as karma they will do their best not to cheat or harm others. This is the kind of clear foundation one must have. Such a principle relates to a person who has developed awareness and mindfulness of their actions. This is very important. Their actions should be tempered with correct view. When our compassion and loving kindness for others has "perfect intention" this will make our outer actions more real and valuable. So, the second basic principle is having compassion and loving kindness. This means that one should have compassion for those less fortunate and have love for those more fortunate, those having more insight and strength than oneself. The last condition one must have is a profound sense of samaya. Samaya just means having some sort of level of commitment or responsibility. The samaya commitment has to do with getting it all right from the beginning so there is no mistake. If there isn't a correct transmission of the practice and it's principles there is a great danger of getting it wrong. When we have proper transmission then our actions, our intentions, our understanding will help us to progress properly. Having these three principles as a basis then when we practice something like Chöd things go properly. When one has these three principles clearly established then the conditions for obtaining the appropriate development out of the practice methods would be present.
Days of practice, Mondays at 7:30pm
March, April and May
