2001 Teaching cum Fundraising Tour Schedule



Contact Person


7 – 20 Aug

Toronto, Canada

Denise Gardian


21 – 26 Aug

Vancouver, Canada

Mary Jane/
Angela Hryniuk


26 – 29 Aug

Victoria, BC


29 Aug – 4 Sep

Edmonton, Canada

Adele Fontaine


9 – 15 Sep

Hong Kong

Kerstin Hall / Tom Chan


17 – 24 Sep


Philip Lin


27 – 29 Sep


Eliz Dowling


            Exciting programme at each city have been designed to appeal to all regardless of
            culture, gender, age and religions such as:

  •      A slide presentation on a "Journey of a Western Yogini" which give us a chance to hear    
         Ven. Tenzin Palmo explain the path which she has chosen.

  •     "In Conversation" - where the audience will have a chance to hear a discussion between   
        Tenzin Palmo and one or two other prominent speakers exchanging their personal points of 


          All information given below are subject to changes. 

TORONTO, CANADA      7-20 Aug

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
7 Aug, Tue   Media Interviews Toronto Star - CBC Radio
"Tapestry" - 1/2 hr interview with Vision TV
8 Aug, Wed 10:00am Media Interview Globe & Mail by Michael Valpy  n/a
8 Aug, Wed 7:30 pm Journey of a Western Yogini YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
9 Aug, Thur 7:30 pm "In Conversation" with Tenzin Palmo YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
11 Aug, Sat 7:30 pm "Four Noble Truths" - Part One YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
12 Aug, Sun 7:30 pm "Four Noble Truths" -Part Two YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
14 Aug, Tue 7:30 pm "Practicing the Good Heart" YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
15 Aug, Wed 7:30 pm "Women and Spirituality" YPT Theatre
165 Front St. East
16 Aug, Thu  Evening Book Signing Omega Book Store


17-19 Aug
3-day Residential Retreat 3-day Retreat-"The Paramitas-The Six Perfections of Wisdom" St. Francis Centre, Orangeville  $300

Contact Person:  Denise Gardian  at torontotour@hotmail.com  
Website:             http://www.tenzinpalmo-torontovisit.com/ 

a.    (*)  6-Venue Pass can be purchased at $180.  Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars.  For  
       tickets, call Ticketmaster at 416-870-8000 or visit their website at: http://www.ticketmaster.ca/    
       starting 27th June.
b.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for resting, private engagements and 
       travelling for Ven. Tenzin Palmo.


VANCOUVER, CANADA      21-26 Aug

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
22 Aug, Wed    Media Interviews CTV Interview


22 Aug, Wed  Evening Book Signing Chapters Book's, Robson St. Store


23 Aug, Thu  Noon Book Signing Banyan Books  n/a
23 Aug, Thu  7:30 pm "To the Mountain and Back: Spiritual Practice in Every day Life" 1495 W. 8th Ave

$15 - (Senior/student)
$20 - regular

24 Aug, Fri  7:30 pm "Cultivating Faith and Devotion" Zuru Ling

 $20 - (Senior/student)
$25 - regular

25 Aug, Sat  5:30 pm Dinner - Gourmet Vegetarian White Rock, Abbey, South Surrey


Contact Persons:  Mary Jane at mjnehring@telus.net  or Angela Hryniuk at ahryniuk@pinc.com 

a.    Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars.  A sliding scale of ticket prices is available.       
       Kindly contact Mary Jane or Angela above for more information. 
b.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel to the next destination.  


VICTORIA B.C., CANADA      26-29 Aug

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
26 Aug, Sun  12:00-3:00pm Lunch University of Victoria Faculty Club

$60  (call 250-361-9363)

27 Aug, Mon  1:00 pm         Media Interviews Victoria


27 Aug, Mon  7:30 pm "To the Cave and Beyond" Salt Spring Centre
355 Blackburn Rd

$15 (contact: Phyllis at mailto:mpcoleman@saltsrping.com)  

28 Aug, Tue  8:00 pm "To The Mountain & Back: Spiritual Practice in Everyday Life" U. of Victoria, David Lam Auditorium

$15 (available at the door)

Contact Person:  Heather McDougall at mailto:hmmadcdou@homail.com 
Website:               www.crystalclearwebdesign.com/tenzin.htm

a.    Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars.  A sliding scale of ticket prices is available.  
       Kindly  contact Heather above for more information. 
b.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel to the next destination.  


EDMONTON, CANADA      30 Aug - 4 Sep

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
30 Aug, Thu  7:30 "Journey to the Cave and Beyond" Provincial Museum


31 Aug, Fri  7:30 "Women and Spirituality" Provincial Museum


1 Sep, Sat  9:00 am -
4:00 pm
Retreat ( 2 parts)
Part 1 - "Taming the Mind"
Unitarian Church of Edmonton

$100 for both Part 1 and II.
$75 for just Part I

2 Sep, Sun  10:00 am -
1:00 pm
Ullambana Festival - Parents Day and Lunch Truc Lam Monastery, Vietnamese Buddhist Temple

 No Charge

2 Sep, Sun  2:00 pm -
5:30 pm
Retreat ( 2 parts)
Part 2 - "Taming the Mind"
Unitarian Church of Edmonton

$25 for just Part II

3 Sep, Mon  2:00 pm -
5:30 pm
"Practising the Good Heart" Truc Lam Monastery 


3 Sep, Mon  5:30 pm  Farewell Dinner Truc Lam Monastery 

Contact Persons:  Adele Fontaine at adelef@telusplanet.net or 
                            Nancy Brine at nbrine@telusplanet.net 

a.    Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars.  A sliding scale of ticket prices is available.   
       Kindly contact Adele or Nancy above for more information. . 
b.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel to the next destination.  


HONG KONG      9-15 Sep

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
9 Sep, Sun 2:30 - 6:00 pm "A Western Yogini" - A Slide Presentation Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Lecture Theatre  Free
9 Sep, Sun 7:30 - 10:30 pm "Dealing with Adversity" Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Lecture Theatre  Free
11 Sep, Tue Morning  Private Visit  Chi Lin Nunnery  
11 Sep, Tue 7:30 - 10:30 pm "Mahamudra - the Buddha's ultimate teaching" Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Lecture Theatre  Free
12 Sep, Wed 12:30 - 2:30 pm "Women and Spirituality" The American Club, Central Not open to the public
14 Sep, Fri 7:30 - 10:30 pm "Loving Kindness and the Practice of Tonglen" Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Lecture Theatre


15 Sep, Sat 10:00am - 6:00 pm Retreat on "Samatha" and "The Nature of Mind" Lin Chi Temple, Lantau Island Free-Please email to register.
15 Sep, Sat Evening Farewell Dinner Delight Vegetarian Restaurant

Please email to register.

Contact Persons::  Kerstin Hall / Tom Chan at tenzinpalmohk@hotmail.com  

a.    Registration is required for the retreat and the farewell dinner.  Kindly register by 1 SEP     
b.    Renting of venues have been sponsored by supporters of Ven. Tenzin Palmo in Hong Kong.  
       Translation into Cantonese will be provided at all talks.
c.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel to the next destination.
d.    For location map and details of HK venue, please click on:


TAIWAN      17 - 24 Sep

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
16 Sep, Sun 7:00-7:30 pm

7:30-9:00 pm


Book Signing

KingStone Bookstore
Cheng-Chong Branch
17 Sep, Mon 7:00-7:30 pm

7:30-9:00 pm


Book Signing

Eslite Bookstore
Young Her Branch
18 -21 Sep, Tue - Fri Full Day International Conference on Religious Cooperation Grand Hotel, Taiwan
22-23 Sep, Sat & Sun 2 Day Retreat Meditation Retreat Cheng Jay Shih Temple,
24 Sep, Mon 7:00-10:00 pm Public Talk China Times,
Ming-Chuan East Road

Contact Person:  Philip Lin at vobis2k1@yahoo.com  

a.    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel to the next destination.   


SINGAPORE      26 - 29 Sep

Date Time Topic Venue Ticket Price(*)
27 Sep, Thu 2:00 - 5:00 pm Radio talk show on FM 93.8 with Dr. Mel Gill     
27 Sep, Thu 7:30 - 9:00 pm "Retreat - Letting go but not Giving up" with Chinese translation Tai Pei Buddhist Centre   Free
28 Sep, Fri 7:30 - 9:30 pm "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life"  Suntec City Auditorium, Level 3   Free
29 Sep, Sat 7:00 - 10:00 pm Dinner with Ven. Tenzin Palmo Grand Court
People's Park Complex, #03-42
 $50 per person

Contact Persons:  Eliz Dowling at eliz_palmo@hotmail.com or 
                           Jeffrey Khoo at jeffkhoo@singnet.com.sg 
a.    The public talk and dinner are organised by Kong Meng San Phor Kork See Monastery.
    Days not reflected in the above table are meant for Ven Tenzin Palmo to rest, have private 
       engagements and to prepare and travel back to India.   


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This site was last updated on August 20, 2001